1st August 2019

unfamiliar text- practise

Text A: The solider

question 1. This quote explains the imagery of a field that spreads far across the foreign land, with long grass and scarce amount of trees. The corner of the field is described as “forever England”, this could show that a soldier of England could have died here, therefore making the specific piece of land a permanent connection to England.

question 2. The tone of the poem comes across as calm and peaceful. This is firstly because of the punctuation used. The use of commas through-out the whole text slows the flow of the writing as more pauses are used when reading the poem. This creates the mood of slowness as their is no sudden intensity to the writing. This tone is also shown through the quote ” And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness, In hearts at peace, under an English Heaven.” This quote shows vocabulary choices like “gentleness”, ” hearts at peace”, and “English heaven”. This vocabulary also presents a mood of calmness as we as humans associate these words with positive feelings and atmosphere.

question 3. The writers attitude towards the war he is fighting can be seen through the idea of his willingness to sacrifice for his country. The writer talks about his country, England as a great importance to them and describes the place as a physical person ” Her sights and sounds: dreams happy as her day..”. This shows his attitude of satisfactory and pride towards fighting for his country. The writer presents the idea at the start of the text that he may die in the battle field far from home, “If I should die, think only this of me: That theres some corner of a foreign field that is forever England”. This quote shows the writer understands the concept of not returning home to England, but presents his attitude as optimistic and willing to risk his life, as he knows that “corner of a foreign field” will always turn the foreign soil into Englands soil, making the land “forever Englands”. 

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